Country: Brazil
Year: 2019
Duration: 87'

Alice Júnior is a very young transgender student who spends most of her free time as a youtuber. After moving with her father to a small provincial town and changing high school, Alice has to deal with the new environment, trying to dispel her prejudice, in order to reach her biggest desire: to receive her first kiss.


film director

Gil Baroni

Gil Baroni (Guarapauva, Brazil, 1979) is a screenwriter, director and producer. With the production company Beija Flor Filmes he makes films that focus on issues such as human rights, gender equality, the LGBTQI universe and class struggle, obtaining widespread recognition and numerous awards at international festivals. He is a professor of film production at FAP/UNESPAR- Parana Arts College.


& Credits

Sceneggiatura/Screenplay Luiz Bertazzo
Montaggio/Editing Pedro Giongo
Fotografia/Photography Renato Ogata
Suono/Sound Lucas Mani
Musica/Music Vinicius Nisi
Interpreti/Cast Anne Celestino Mota, Emmanuel Rosset, Thais Schier, Surya Amitrano, Matheus Moura, Katia Horn, Igor Augustho, Antonia Montemezzo, Amanda Leal, Marcel Szymanski, Cida Rolim, Altamar Cezar, Gustavo Piaskoski, Simone Klein, Melissa Locatelli
Produttore/Producer Andréa Tomeleri
Produttore Associato/Associate Producer Anne Celestino Mota, Luiz Bertazzo, Matheus Moura
Produzione/Production Beija Flor Filmes