Jimmy was a boy who left for the Vietnam War and died under unclear circumstances in Saigon in 1972. His younger brother Peter McDowell, director of the documentary, was only five when Jimmy died and from that moment the whole family stopped talking about him. The documentary is the result of a 10-year effort to break the silence and the shame that was spinning around the figure of Jimmy. Through old photographs, letters and interviews with Jimmy's closest friends, the director manages to bring an almost forgotten queer existance back to life.
film director

Peter McDowell
Surrounded by opera since childhood and trained as a musician and actor, Peter McDowell has always been drawn to melding music and film in his work. He made two Super8 short films in the early 1990s that played at San Francisco's Frameline Film Festival, one of which, I Dream of Dorothy (1993), went on to festivals worldwide. In addition to filmmaking, Peter works as an arts producer and fundraiser.
& Credits
Montaggio/Editing Kelly Creedon, Liz Kaar
Fotografia/Photography Bret Hamilton, Erin Harper, John Isberg, Eric Macey, Peter McDowell, Adam Singer
Suono/Sound Jeremiah Moore, Do Minh Nhat, Erik Reimers
Musica/Music John McDowell, Sabina Sciubba
Interpreti/Cast Jimmy McDowell
Produttore/Producer Peter McDowell, Lucia Palmarini, Peter Schulman
Distribuzione/Distribution Peter McDowell