A Cult Movie from 1970, based on the novel of the same name by Gore Vidal that follows the life of the transgender woman Myra Breckinridge (born as Myron). After a gender reassignment operation, she claims to be the widow of her past self. She manipulates her uncle in order to obtain a job in his acting school, where she tries to overturn Hollywood's social agenda by introducing the concept of Femdom (female domination on male). In memory of Raquel Welch, the star and eternal icon, with John Huston, Mae West, Farrah Fawcett, and Tom Selleck in his first role, as a toy boy.
film director

Michael Sarne
During his decades-long career, Michael Sarne (1940, UK) has starred in blockbuster films such as The Assassin's Promise (by David Cronenberg, 2007), Telstar: The Joe Meek Story (by Nick Moran, 2008), Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (by Tomas Alfredson, 2011), Les Misérables (by Tom Hooper, 2012), The Correspondence (by Giuseppe Tornatore, 2016). As a screenwriter and director, he wrote and directed Joanna (1968), Myra Breckinridge (1970), Intimidate (1975) and The Punk (1993).
& Credits
Montaggio/Editing Danford B. Greene
Fotografia/Photography Richard Moore
Scenografia/Production Design Fred Harpman, Jack Martin Smith
Suono/Sound Don J. Bassman, David Dockendorf, Terrance Emerson
Musica/Music John Phillips
Interpreti/Cast Mae West, John Huston, Raquel Welch, Rex Reed, Farrah Fawcett, Roger C. Carmel
Produttore/Producer Robert Fryer, David Giler
Produzione/Production Twentieth Century Fox
Vendite internazionali/World Sales Park Circus