Country: France
Year: 2022
Duration: 16

It’s a stormy July 14th. During a car journey, Madoche, her twin and her sister, a real pain in the neck, run out of gas. Lost in the countryside, with a jerry can on her back, she meets a horsewoman. Her horoscope said it: destiny will bring you lust.


film director

Ines Clivio

Ines Clivio was born in La Ciotat, France, in 1997. She is a cinema student at the École Nationale Supérieure Louis Lumière in Paris. She has directed various short films – A Thunderstorm Summer (2021), Pierrot the Laundry Man (2022), Jumeaux (2022), A Condom on my Virginia Woolf (2022) - and the two documentaries Autumn in the Spring (2021) and Marius (2022), in which she mainly tackles LGBTQI+ issues.


& Credits

Sceneggiatura/Screenplay Inès Clivio
Montaggio/Editing Baptiste Aubert, Ines Clivio
Fotografia/Photography Elsa Rivière-Poupon
Scenografia/Production Design Luna Lejoux
Suono/Sound Felix Timsit, Guénolé Loterie
Musica/Music Jean Hère
Interpreti/Cast Anna Stanic, Luz Sanchez Godin, Théo Van De Voorde, Adèle Journeaux, Sylvain Baumann, Noal Boissonnet
Produttore/Producer Christine Aubry